It is totally understandable that a number of people express their disbelief or fear regarding the highly unorthodox international legal process that the ULA is diligently following, as opposed to the traditional internal negotiations for self-determination often driven by political entities over the years.
Only the top most "direct brutal reality" questions / concerns are listed here, and with direct and truthful answers! We strive to be factual, transparent but also very direct.
- "Does the ULA realises that the forces we are (and will be up against) will not only be the communist regime of the ANC and their cadres, but in all probability other global forces that would do their utmost best to prevent the sesession?"
Of course we do, any organisation driving a very forceful direct legal secession process had better be cognitive of the forces that will attempt to disrupt or halt their process. Giving up a rather large part of a country (even though as its current government you might be in a process of totally destroying it in all facets imaginable!), will not be agreed while merrily chuckling away over a glass of good Cape wine, now would it?
- "How can 2 million people overrule a majority of 50+ million, surely you at ULA must realise the odds are against you?"
International law states very clearly that it is the right for any group of people to secede from another group. The objection from the larger groups of the population cannot affect the "will of the people". The ULA intend to stay this exact legal course and claim the right for our people.
- "The world will never accept that you can secede"
The legal process requires that, apart from having performed all the required steps towards the case for secession, and in the final stages where we find ourselves now that:
- the will of the people is irrefutably proven by way of a mandate of 50%+1 votes,
- once this will of the people was proven, that through a referendum the choice of Yes / No for secession is determined, also with 50%+1 vote in favour, and
- 1 (one only) other independent country approves of our secession.
- "How can you expect the ANC government to just let the secession happen without vehement and most likely violent opposition?"
The ULA did not venture on this brave and direct path without being duly prepared, or 8+ years' work would have been rather pointless. We are attentive and very aware of the various permutations that will, and may still be encountered. It would still be preferable to the current situation that most certainly will lead to the planned slow eradication of our minority groups of people under the communist rule and their evil goals.
- "Why does the ULA only include the majority Capelanders (minority groups of people of South Africa’s total population) in their secession process?"
International law refers to “peoples” as the term for a group that want to secede / break away from another group. The group of people would typically share one of the characteristics of their specific i) religion, ii) language, iii) ethnic group or iv) culture, i.e. their uniqueness.
As per the 2011 government census figures (forming part of our legal basis) these majority “peoples” residing in the Capeland prove to have in common their first language of Afrikaans. These people also share the same dominant religion of Christianity.
(Also refer to the sections ‘People’, ‘The Cape’ and ‘Why Secede?’ on our website). - "Will only people of brown, white and Indian be allowed as citizens of Capeland?"
The Capeland will not have any racial or otherwise discriminating policies, regulations or laws. Similar to most other countries, any individual wishing to become a citizen of the country may apply for citizenship, immigrate and become a permanent legal resident after completion of the application process.
(Also refer to the section ‘Our Platform’ on the website) - "Surely the demographics of Capeland, the area earmarked to be seceded, have changed significantly since 2011? How can the census figures then still bear relevance?"
Any legal process has a basis of proof on which a case is built, and it is no different for the international legal process that the ULA has followed since 2014. As such the last official census of the 2011 (language) census will form part of the “evidence” throughout the process of secession, irrespective of the changes in the demographics since 2011.
- "I have heard from discussions that the ULA has already formulated the government structure and other models of governance for the new country. Should this not be done with the consent and democratic vote from the citizens of the “Capeland” country?"
Prior to forming the new country the secessionist group must prove to the international community that the country will be governable, have fair and just laws & policies in place and also would be feasible. This requirement serves to ensure that the interim government would have the required means to enable a smooth as possible transition period into sovereign independence. Once the transition period demonstrates stability in the country a new government will be elected by democratic vote.
- "Are only registered voters allowed to register their mandates in support of breaking away?"
South Africans aged 18 or older, anywhere in South Africa or abroad (expats) are allowed to register their mandates in support of secession.
- "If I reside outside of the area of “Capeland”, what is the benefit or purpose of me registering my mandate since I would not be allowed to vote in a referendum held for the specific area of “Capeland”?"
Although intended for the same goal of secession, a mandate and referendum vote have different objectives. The mandate is required to, as per international legal reference, prove “the will of the people” to break away from the current mother country. In other words a mandate expresses the peoples’ desire re their circumstances. A majority mandate is the only means of proof that the government is obliged to call for a referendum.
A referendum can then be called for the legal citizens / registered voters of the area to be seceded. These citizens will then have to indicate their agreement / disagreement to the specific part of the country breaking away from the rest of the mother country. - "The area earmarked for secession represents a large portion of the current South Africa. Would it not be more acceptable to claim a smaller area?"
The legal process of secession requires that with the people to be seceded identified, the area where these people historically have occupied as a majority is also defined. This forms the legal basis for claiming a territory.
- "Why does the ULA first need to obtain the 2 million mandates, and not just call for a referendum?"
The legal process of secession requires that a mandate is obtained from the people to secede. It serves as indisputable proof of “the will of the people” to break free. Once this proof can be presented, the secessionist group has the legal right to request the government to call a referendum to officially affirm the will of the people.
- "What happens if the government refuses to acknowledge the ULA’s request for a referendum? Will the process end?"
Should the government deny the request, or choose to ignore it even after prompts from international community, the ULA will exercise its legal right to call for a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).
- "Seeing that the ULA identified the people to be seceded as the people from the minority groups of predominantly brown and white groups of the SA population, does this not constitute “apartheid” or racism?"
No. Although propagandists will play the racist card, the new country will not have any racial classification or system of segregation, and our immigration laws will allow any person irrespective of race or any other characteristic to apply for citizenship. However, international law very clearly provides for “any group of people” with shared characteristics of at least one of i) ethnicity, ii) culture, iii) language or iv) religion having the right to separate themselves from a larger group of a population, a military group or a political entity.
Additionally, all people irrespective of their ethnicity, who were permanent and legal residents before 10 May 1994, OR any person who is a direct descendant of a person who was a permanent and legal resident before 10 May 1994, will also qualify as citizens.(Also refer to the section ‘People’ on our website)
- "What makes the ULA process different to that of other organizations that are seeking independence / self-determination?"
Firstly, only the ULA has meticulously followed the international legal process for secession (since 2014), and has now completed the required legal steps up to the point where, as penultimate step, mandates are required to prove “the will of the people” to secede / break away. Secondly, other organisations and political parties wish to follow a process involving internal negotiation with government such as for example, requesting a referendum for the Western Cape, whereas this step was already completed some time ago within our process. Thirdly, with the process that the ULA follows, international law dictates that a secession process must start with identifying the people to be seceded, and not with an area.